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house plants

Pencil Cactus

Sean MurphyComment

One of our favorite houseplants recently is the pencil cactus. Perfect for someone who may travel a lot, these structural plants need very infrequent watering, about once every 3-4 weeks. They do enjoy a ton of sunlight, which can be tough in these Boston apartments, but will appreciate as much as you can give them. 


Dorm Room Plants

Sean MurphyComment

This time of year in Boston, students and renters swarm back to the city. Looking for something green to brighten up your new space? Here are some recommendations for easy, durable houseplants! 

Plant Pick: Ponytail Palm

Sean MurphyComment

Despite the name of this plant, a ponytail palm is neither a palm nor a tree! It is actually part of the agave family and therefore a succulent. Therefore, in terms of care, it is very similar to that of succulents. 

Water: water well once every 2-3 weeks, letting soil dry out completely between waterings. 

Light: low to bright light is acceptable to ponytail palms, and even bright light is alright. Be sure to keep away from any air conditioning or heating vents, or a drafty location.